Read our Summer Dance Institute press release.
JAE SDI instructors are so excited for this summer’s program.
Nineequa Blanding explains how the SDI benefits participants and their communities.
Our teen apprentices from Haiti and Massachusetts talk about why they’re excited to attend the SDI this summer.
Meet Velouse, and hear her story about dance and the JAE SDI.
Watch this overview of the Summer Dance Institute.
To date, we have raised $53,000 of our $100,000 goal - thanks to your generous support! Help us reach our goal of $100,000 to provide free dance education to 60 young people this year. Any amount you contribute helps us fulfill our mission to share the liberating power of Haitian-folkloric dance to cultivate hope and healing in our world. Please consider contributing today!
$5,000 pays for transportation for our young people in Haiti to join students in Dominican Republic (flights)
$5,000 sponsors a teacher to provide free dance education
$1,200 is the cost to sponsor one student in Haiti to experience this year’s Summer Dance Institute in Dominican Republic
$1,200 pays for Covid personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep our youth and staff safe in both Lawrence and the Dominican Republic
$1,200 (commitment of $100 per month) pays for studio space for Lawrence programming
$750 pays for the costs of T-shirts for all participants
$600 covers the cost of healthy snacks for the Summer Dance Institute at Izizwe Dance Studio in Lawrence, MA
$500 pays for one visa for a student in Haiti to engage in the immersive experience of the Summer Dance Institute
$500 pays for translation of materials to help us stay connected to our global community
$300 is the cost of reflection journals for all our students, facilitating learning and healing
$250 covers the cost of drinking water for 30 students
$80 pays for a guest art or music teacher to teach 1 class
$50 provides nutritional snacks for one snack break
$20 covers the cost of a JAE t-shirt for one student
Updated June 15, 2022
Thank you to our funders who make this work possible.